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Mary-Sue Litmus Test.

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Mary-Sue Litmus Test. Empty Mary-Sue Litmus Test.

Post  RomaniaIsBeast Thu Aug 09, 2012 6:57 pm

Section 1 - The Name Game

Is the character named after you? (This can be your first name, middle name, or the name you go by in chat or irc.) If so, stop now. Put your pencil (mouse?) down and turn in your test. [10] DO NOT NAME YOUR CHARACTER AFTER YOURSELF. DO NOT NAME YOURSELF AFTER YOUR CHARACTER. I DON'T CARE WHAT YOUR EXCEPTION IS. (note: Your name in a different language counts)

Is the character's name an unusual spelling of a more common name or word? [1]

Is the character's name unusual in another way? (see list below):

A female with a male-sounding name? [1]

A variant of the name Lucy? [1] (this includes names like Lucia, Luciana, etc...)

A name the character chose for him or herself, because s/he "didn't want to forget"? [1]

A noun or adjective not normally used for a name (especially for human characters)? [1]

Does the character have a really cool name that you wish you had? [1]

Does the character have more than one name? (i.e. a nickname or a pseudonym that other characters use to refer to the character as)? [1] (note: human and country names do not count as this; having multiple human names does.)

Does your character's name not match their ethnicity/country? [3] Does it match, but is really unusual anyways? [2] (Note: Subtract two points if the name in question belongs to a pivotal figure in the country's history)

Did you spend more than a day looking for just the right name? [1] (I don't care why you did, take the point, it's only one point!)

Have you considered naming your pet or child the character's name? [1]

Section 2 - Physical Attributes

Is the character the same gender as you? [5]

Is the character from the same racial group as you? [5]

Is the character a hybrid of two or more species? [3]

Is the character a teenager or in her/his early teens?(this includes ages 18 and 19) [1]

Does the character look like s/he is a teenager for no specific reason? (being a country does not count as a specific reason) [2] For a magical or special scientific reason? [2] That you plan on making a plot point later? [1]

Does the character have attributes that do not belong in their racial group (such as blonde hair on an African country, blue eyes in an Asian country…red hair on a South American country)? (NO EXCUSES! I don't care if your country has some sort of minority represented by said unusual trait. take the points!) [3] Is the character the age you would like to be? [1]

Is the character beautiful or roguishly handsome? [1]

Does one or more of the regulars find the character highly attractive? [1] Do other regulars see him/her as a threat because of this? [1]

Does the character have an unusual eye color for no apparent reason? (Unusual for their ethnic group counts as well. Take the points.) [3] Will this be a plot point later? [1]

Does the character have really nice hair that you describe more than once, or on the first page? (or make a point of describing with more than two adjectives (ie 'she has long brown curly hair)) [1]

Does the character have an ahoge? [1] More than one? [2] In an odd shape? (such as a heart or smiley face) [5]

Does the character have a scar or a strange marking that is noticed by another character, but does not actually detract from his/her appearance? [1]

Is the character deaf, mute, or both? [4]

Is s/he no longer deaf and/or mute later on, or else dead? (Subtract 1 pt if character is alive and still deaf or mute the entire time) [3]

Is the character otherwise physically disabled? (Anyone who says "She's so pretty that it's like a disability because everyone hates her or wants to have sex with her" will be summarily keelhauled) [2]

Is the character no longer disabled later on, or else dead? [1]

Is the character mentally disabled? (Read: at the functional level of Forrest Gump or below) [2] Are they just "crazy", but in a way you think is funny/for comic relief? [3]

Does the character have any telekinetic, telepathic, or other psychic powers despite / because of this disability? [3]

Is the character overweight? (Not just "I ate too many Snackwells and now my thighs are HUGE, but honestly overweight) [Subtract 2] Is this remarked upon by another character who is not motivated by jealousy? [Subtract 2]

Is the character no longer overweight later on? [4]

Section 3 - Personal Traits

Is the character the long-lost child or descendent or sibling of a regular or recurring character? [1] Of America and/or Russia? Austria and/or Hungary? China and/or Japan? (you can just assume them being long lost descendants/siblings of any characters will rack up points) [2] Of an ancient nation or mythical creature? [2] Of another original character for whom you intend to introduce in the future (or write another story or even another series about, fan fiction-wise)? [1]

Are they the child of any two countries? [4] Do they speak/behave in a mix of their parents' characterizations? [5] Did they inherit mostly recessive traits? [3] Are they or were they a colony? [1] Do they call their former owner/master any parental names (ie mama, papa, dad…)? [2]

Is the character a commonwealth, state, or otherwise not a country? [2] Is this non-country a human? [1] Made up piece of land entirely? [5]

Are they a colony of England's? [1] An obscure, tiny one? [1] That's still angry at him for it and lets him know it at every opportunity? [2] Even if England helped him/her modernize and s/he is now ahead of his/her neighbours because of it? [3]

A colony of Spain's? [1] One that calls him 'Papa'? [2] Considers him an older brother? [5]

Are they an African nation angry at Western Europe? [1] All of Europe? [2] And America and Canada? [3] Does your character "not believe in war"? [3] Easily resolve conflicts between countries that have hated each other for centuries? [3] Try to make other countries understand that violence is not the answer? [1] When they are a country that has actually been in a number of wars? [5]

Is your character a small country that butts into larger countries arguments? [2] Even if they aren't even from the same continent as said countries? [2]

Are their hobbies not common in their country? [2] Do they use American slang? (when they're not America, obviously) [1] Does your character use Japanese phrases and words in their everyday speech when they are not Japan? [3]

Is your character shy about nudity? [1] When they are a European country? [2] African? [4] (note: remove 1 point if said country is North American or Middle Eastern; remove 5 if the African country in question is predominantly Muslim.)

Is your character unknowing of how "sexy" she is? [2] Does she accidentally do inappropriate/sexy things on a regular basis? [4]

Add points for each aspect seen somewhere during your character's life: - abandoned by caregivers [1] - born or forced into slavery [1] - born or raised in extreme poverty [1] - sole survivor of a calamity [2] - physical abuse [2] - sexual abuse by a caregiver [3] - rape [3] - member of a "despised" class or race [1] [2 if it's a plot point of the "I can make a contribution even thought I'm ... " variety] [3 if the character in question is not currently despised, but was far in the past]

Does the character suffer from guilt about something terrible that s/he did in the past? [1] Do the other characters eventually convince her/him that it was not his/her fault? [1]

Does the character share your religious beliefs? [1] (Add an extra point if the character is a country that has said religion as a minority.)

Does the character have a twin or a sibling of the same gender? [2] About whom you plan on introducing/writing another story later? [2]

Does the twin/sibling count as the North of the country, and the other as South? East and West? [3]

Does the character have a very good singing voice? [2] Or play a musical instrument amazingly well? [1] The guitar or flute, for instance? [2]

Does the character have better taste in music than you do? [1] (For example, does your character own CDs that you think educated people ought to own, even though you've never actually listened to the music yourself?) Does the character do what you do for fun or profit? [1] (This includes having the same job you have, or would like to have when you're older, or having a job that sounds like a lot of fun even though you know nothing about it. It can also mean RPing, computer programming, whatever.)

Does the character make more wisecracks than Prussia? [1] Because Prussia is your favorite character? [1]

Is your character basically the female version of Prussia? [3]

Does everyone end up liking the character (among the regulars you like)? [1]

Section 4 - Super Powers

The Rest: Does the character have powers/ninja abilities? [2]

Does the character have telekinesis or telepathy? (Twin telepathy counts) [2]

Does the character just "know things" for no apparent reason? [2]

Can the character fly? [1] Without the aid of wings? [2]

Can the character heal with a touch and/or thought? [1]

Do animals (especially fuzzy ones) instinctively like the character? [2] (Subtract two points if the only animals that like the character are non-butterfly insects and crawly lizard-types.)

Section 5 - The Love Connection

Does the character fall in love with and/or have sex with a recurring character from the show? [1] With whom you would like to fall in love and/or have sex? [1]

Does the character fall in love with and/or have sex with another original character? [1] With whom you would like to fall in love and/or have sex? [1]

Does the story end with the character's wedding? [2]

Is your character sweet on a country that they are historically enemies with? [5]

Have "love at first sight" with a country they've technically known for years? [3]

Section 6 - The Real World and Your Character

Would you like to be friends with the character if you met in real life? [1]

Do you think everyone who reads the story/RPs with this character should automatically like the character and want to be friends with the character? [1]

If someone tells you he/she doesn't like your character, do you take it as a personal attack on you? [1]

Do you ever pretend, just to yourself, that you are the character, with the same strengths and abilities? [1]

If someone calls your character a Mary Sue, do you immediately assume they're jealous of you? [3] Assume they're racist? [4]

Section 7 - The Fiendish Plot

Do you introduce the character on the first page of the story? [2] In the first sentence? [1](note, disregard if you're introducing your character into the RP…)

Do you tell the story from the character's point of view, all or mostly? [1] Do you RP in the first person? [1]

Does the character meet the main characters, and after a few tense pages of plot, become friends with them? [2] Even if current relations between the countries are tense/hateful? [3]

Does the character manage to develop a friendship with an otherwise villainous character, and through this friendship, reform the other character? [2] Is the villain in question Russia? [1] Does the villain become evil again after the character dies, but retain some last vestige of goodness from his/her interaction with the character, evidenced in one selfless action at the end of the story/throughout the RP? [4]

Does the character save the day and/or another character's life? [3] Through magical/mystical intervention? [1] Through dying? [3] Through almost dying? [2] Does everyone go into mourning? [1] Does s/he get not-dead by the end of the story? [4] Will s/he get not-dead in the sequel? [4] Do you plan to use this character in multiple RPs? [2]

Do you plan to RP with this character's child(ren)? [2]

Possible Points: 240 If you hit over 220, do not apply with this character. Write a new one entirely. If you hit over 180, revise your character before applying. If you hit over 100, apply with said character and allow moderator revision. Anything below 100, apply with said character and wait for approval and some historical accuracy double-checking.

Please keep in mind that a character could have a lot of these traits and still be good; it's just a bit unlikely.

If your character hits below 22 points on this test, you have probably not written anything beyond a two dimensional character.

Posts : 4
Join date : 2012-08-09
Age : 24
Location : Romania, Hetalia


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